日本の江戸時代にとても良く似た世界のとある宿場町。 一見のどかな風景ですがとんでもない。 いつからかこの現世に姿を現す妖怪!悪霊! やがて常世との境界、均衡が曖昧になり跋扈する妖(あやかし)!大迷惑!
だがそんな時、この不届きな存在達はあの二人を呼び寄せた!呼び寄せてしまった! 流れるようなマントに身を包む力強い男「妖侍、棲魔糸・滅我之助(すまいと めがのすけ)」 その相棒の美しいケモ耳少女「妖狐、お銀」 下法にはさらなる下法で悪を駆逐する脳筋活劇!開幕!


85 mins | Language: Japanese with English, French and Spanish subtitles | Producer/Director: Bueno
n a paralell world of Edo Japan, all seems right in the land. But as the veil between the human realm and the land of enchantment grows as thin as a spider's web, the Yokai creatures known as “Ayakashi”, mischievous spirits from the netherworld leap forth, turning the town into a playground of chaos...
However, two magical heroes dare to fight their way through pandemonium. The dashing "Ayakashi Zamurai” Sumaito Meganosuke, whose cloak swirls around him like a whirlwind of adventure. And by his side, the enchanting "Yokai Fox” Ogin, with fox ears perked up for excitement. Together, they tackle on madness with a blend of magic, mischief, and a touch of absurdity, setting the stage for an epic, whimsical tale!

$30.00 (Plus Shipping. Ships from within the US)
- Region Free
- Outtakes
- Director's Audio Commentary
- Promotional Trailers
- Strega "Super Battle Video"

Amazon Prime - Rental/Buy
U-Next (Japan Only) - Streaming
DMM TV (Japan Only) - Streaming
Vudu/Fandango - Rental/Buy
Tubi - Streaming

Soma was known formerly as a superhero named Gun Caliber, but had a tarnished reputation due to many scandals involving drugs, sexual innuendos, and overall public indecency. As luck may have it, he is one of the few Lost Numbers, a select minority who are gifted with a rare genetic code required to equip Vector's V.I.P.E.R. (Vector Intelligent Protective Enforcement Reflex) Suits.
The technological conglomerate known as Vector decides to give Soma the Stray Buckle, transforming him into the Variable Combat Soldier: Strega. Will Soma become the hero that he is meant to be or will he give in to his bad habits?
...to be honest, he'll most likely give in to his bad habits: fast guns, faster women, and a whole lot of intoxication.
Sayuri is a new employee of Vector who starts off on the wrong foot with Soma. Aside from that, she is one of the few Lost Numbers able to equip the V.I.P.E.R. Suit. Unlike Soma, Sayuri's athletic prowess allows her to tap into the V.I.P.E.R. Suit's abilities. However, she lacks in actual combat experience. While armed with quick wits and the looks to match, she keeps others at arm's length for her own reasons.
Sayuri equips the Variable Combat Armor: Virsago which specializes in speed and agility, making it ideal for stealth and recon.

Known to the forces of evil as Heart Pink, Momoyo knows that being a superhero doesn't really pay the bills as much as it should. Hence, when she's not fighting crime she works part-time as an escort/companion to anyone willing to pay for a fun night on the town...or in her tights. It is with this job that she meets men from all walks of life, making her one of the biggest sources of information in town.
Soma is one of her regular customers and not only does she provide him with extra "services", but also with word off the streets that sometimes even Vector's surveillance cannot get a hold of.
Izumi is the current Head of Research and Development within Vector. She has been saved once by Soma as Gun Caliber and is the lead engineer of the V.I.P.E.R. Combat Suit. She's very reluctant to rely on Soma but sees much potential in both him and Sayuri using the Variable Combat Armors.

The head CEO of Vector, Kato oversees the technological development of both Strega and Virsago. Although he is known to the media as a successful businessman, his agenda for the company remains unknown...